When my airbag was faulty VW took responsibility and didn't blame a 3rd party. They rectified the issue and then washed my car and gave me a coffee for free for the inconvenience.
Its disappointing (and telling) that SB feels pushing the issue to the paying customer (me) is the preferred route to take rather then stepping up and stop being the lapdog to developers.
You need to tell the developer they have given us a crap product and then tell them they wont be getting the license fee for the period it doesn't work - 2 weeks so far and counting.
If they don't accept that, then SB should absorb the license fees for a product you sell which doesn't work (regardless of a work around). My customers are pissed when they are paying per minute and they are standing looking at a black load screen and I am apologizing and then giving them free time to compensate. (see me absorbing the cost SB!!)
It may be a tough pill to swallow for SB but that's business.. when my customers are pissed (as I am) I refund their money.. I don't tell them sorry the my content provider has pushed a product without sufficient testing just wear it - but hang on ill pay my staff to install work arounds because sufficient testing wasn't undertaken.
I factor into my bushiness modelling losses incurred due to circumstances outside my control and then push the issue up (like I am doing now) rather then push it down (as SB are doing).
No need to respond as its obvious SB will make me wear the fact that YOU have given me this product.. I care little about what you are doing with the Dev.. tell me that I will be receiving a reduction in the license fees for AZ for the duration I am receiving an inferior product - and when it costs you (and the Dev) money maybe we wont have future issues like this and the VR ecosystem may begin to mature and evolve.