Below are instructions on how to activate the SpringboardVR private beta for Beat Saber.
Request Steam Keys for Beat Saber in the SpringboardVR Commercial Licensing Marketplace.
Take your game keys and Activate them in Steam.
Once you have added your product key into your Steam Library, right click on the game title, then choose "Properties" .
Click on the tab that says "Betas" .
Enter the code eHyj7duH9J9b in the “Enter beta access code to unlock private betas” field and click "Check Code" .
Pick "arcade" from the drop-down menu of betas.
Install Beat Saber!
Resetting Beat Saber Leaderboards
If you would like to reset the Beat Saber leader boards, go to the following folder - C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Hyperbolic Magnetism\Beat Saber then delete LocalLeaderboards.dat and DailyLocalLeaderboards.dat from the folder.Do you offer Beat Saber at your arcade? Of course you do! Make sure you're running the arcade version though! This is required to offer Beat Saber at your location but is easy and only takes a few minutes.
Note: You cannot, under any circumstance run a modded version of Beat Saber or offer songs that are not licensed for arcade use.