Agreed, list of games to be removed please. It should have been included.
I find the whole thing a bit of a wasted exercise. Why not simply create two categories of licensing - Curated and Non Curated.
The owners that aren't willing to test their own product can then stick to the safe curated titles. Those who wish to search for gems can shift through the rest. No developers get pissed off, nobody loses any content. Countless Springboard man hours saved.
Put in a max price of $0.04 in for non curated titles to incentivize them to improve their game and get promoted to the curated class.
Too late now I suppose.
RE placing no restrictions on side loading: does this extend to all titles being removed or just Gorn and Drunken Bar Fight?
A lot of the conditions are opening up a bag of worms. Would Onward not count as realistic violence?
90 FPS on a GTX 970? What if a new game like Boneworks can't achieve those levels, will that title be rejected because some operators with a cheap PC can't run it? Will my arcade miss out on getting access to a title like this because of some other arcades cheap hardware?
The push for more experiential content is good, but let's not forget our bread and butter. Games bring the crowds in every week and like it or not shooters sell. No 10 year old wants to come to my arcade to play frog dissect