I have several points that would make this game amazing.
Get rid of the starting lobby where you can move around. Start with just a menu like all the survios games. Just have single player, multiplayer, settings, and loadout.
Allow bots is multiplayer. We have lots of small groups of 2 or 3 that want to play this and the maps are designed for more players so they mostly walk around looking for each other. Easiest way would be to set team sizes then have bots autofill empty spots like Smashbox arena does. So seamless for people coming and going and the teams are always full and even.
reset to a default loadout with basic easy to use weapons every time the game is started. The game has a big learning curve already without learning how to relead the revolver and shotgun. Have the 3 "loadouts" named after classes like "Infantry, sniper, support etc"
If they could even do 1/3 of those things I would be happy. My opinion is arcades are still missing a clear "go-to" mil sim game and there is high demand out there. Pretty much every game out there has too many cons to be considered top dog. Contractors could be the Arizona Sunshine of its genre.