Well, I'm a procrastinator, so I actually haven't gotten around to swapping my stations over to the new arcade version. But I can provide my input on things that I've seen in my arcade that I would love to see fixed or changed based on me and my customer's experiences in the standard version. I do apologize if much or most or even all of these have been corrected by the arcade specific version:
It should also be stated, my SUPERHOT games here are all with a completed game file, so each time the game is booted up, it starts at the computer room with the floppy discs.
Player height - Small kids really struggle at grabbing the headset. If the headset could just hang down lower, that would be fine. Of course having the whole game scale to the player height on launching the game would be great as well.
Instructions - There's nothing that tells the player to "use the trigger and grab one of these flippy discs, place them into the green light, and then look up to see the headset that you will put on using the trigger". Further needed instructions are how to let go of an item. Telling them to use the thumbpad would be nice, not in a level, since they may skip that level, but at the main screen. Also, sounds goofy I know, but telling them that to throw something they just simply let go of something while doing a throwing motion with their arm. It's just like when people playing the Beat Saber tutorial ask how they crouch, and we laughingly tell them to physically crouch. We're used to it of course, but this is many people's first time in VR, so they're not yet used to doing the physical actions. Additional instructions, the stage that introduces the mechanic to explode enemy's minds, basically everyone has a difficulty with this. Part of that is because the Grip buttons do suck, but also because the image showing them what to do could be designed much better. Show an actual image of the respective controller, or add in audio to tell the player. Possible idea, if both hands are empty, a trigger pull on both hands could trigger this mechanic when held long enough, getting around them needing to know about the grip buttons.
The "Aim for the head" level, increase the size of the hit-box. People often do it but it doesn't trigger. It's common for a lot of younger players to not have an arm long enough that they can't aim the pistol back to their head and look down the sight. The "aim for the head" text that pops up is difficult to see. Color could be different and text could stay in the air a little longer. And again, larger hit-box for people that down look straight down the barrel but aim slightly for their head.
I can't believe I'm asking for aim assist as I've done nothing but trash it in console shooters my entire life, but adding a bit of megnetism to thrown objects would be great. Don't add it for any bullets that the player shoots, but for things they throw, if it gets close-ish to an enemy to be somewhat pulled in. Players really suck at throwing things in VR. They just do and they get frustrated fast.
Have the pyramid that takes them back to the level select room show up much more often. Some of my customers will go through all their ammo and throw all their possible items, and be stuck in a level with an enemy that's out of reach or in a level with an enemy that has gotten stuck and is no longer moving closer to the player. This requires a total restart of the game.
Remove the game reset floppy disc option. It took me a long time to figure out how my customers kept doing this. I kept a save file saved in the My Documents folder of every station that if they ever did this then I'd have a copy to replace the file on the station.
An added wall of text that will pop up when a player gets right up against the Chaperone edges of the station. Maybe something like what Creed did, have to whole screen fade to a single color and the text "return to center of your playspace". SUPERHOT, after we removed GORN, is the game responsible for the most wall punches. People just love to go beyond their grid and punch walls. It's for sure a compliment to the creators of SUPERHOT as to how freaking into the experience players get, but I fear for the health of my controllers and worse one day they'll end up punching a spectator at the arcade.
That's all I can think of for now. It's 1am and I'm tired. I can always try to think of some more, but again, I'm sorry of some/all of these have already been fixed in the arcade specific version. If that's the case, I really need to get my crap together and download it.