Hey everyone, going to reach out to their team soon about this issues. Here is what I have so far to report, let me know if I'm missing anything!
If a player starts a single player match then goes ‘Quit Level’ to get back to the menu to go to multiplayer, the multiplayer lobby sometimes won’t load when they grab the paper from the treasure chest, so they have to close and relaunch the game.
The position of the starting area on the beach depends on where the player is standing when they launch the game. This has caused some issues for me when players are standing next to a wall, load the game then the two papers for starting single player or multiplayer are way out of reach.
It also needs to get rid of the arbitrary timer in multiplayer, people get confused when it ends suddenly. Better to have the difficulty scale up faster on successive waves so the game ends when all the players get sunk (and have a respawn timer on getting sunk)
At the beginning of FS, it says to use the trigger and thumbpad to start, but it actually requires you to use both those and the grip button.
Sometimes can’t get past the ‘click highlighted buttons’. Multiplayer menu could be steamlined a lot more and make it easier to read, text is very small.