Hello, Rachel with Lucid VR here. We have done a few mobile events so far. They have definitely helped us get the word out and we have seen customers come in from these events as well. The way we look at (mind you we've only been open for 6 months now) is it's part event for extra cash flow but it's also marketing. So far we've done a few school fairs for their field trip fundraising, After Prom, a "Do Good Date Night" with our local Food Bank, and a movie night at the local Air Force Base. The one big down side to them, is these events were pretty much all over the weekends, times where you are already going to be busy.
We also use TapMango for customer tracking. One of the things they have is smart key-cards (almost exactly like a Kroger keychain card) which I can load stuff on and give them a name. This way I can track much easier how many people are coming back from a specific event that we run. I can also, thank god, bulk load them to make things much much easier for large events.
Our basic setup is, a computer, a Vive Pro, two light house poles (link to what we use at the bottom), power extension cords for the lighthouses so the cords don't drape (though I just saw someone who had a battery pack attached to the lighthouse pole, think I'm going to switch to that), and then other basic stuff.
One thing that we are thinking for our new market though, is that they will make our other marketing more powerfull as we will be bypassing the problem of "What's VR?" as now I've exposed people to VR, and put them in a nice headset.
Light Poles
Swivel tops for light poles
Lighthouse Extension Cords (for if you don't battery pack them)
Mini keyboard/mouse combo
Also, grab a wireless internet adapter for the computer.