Just curious if anyone else has has had customer complaints on Super Hot. My boss has asked me to remove the game and I wrote the developer about it as well. The complaint was about the section of the game at the beginning where it comes up and puts you in a blank room with a gun, and says "Show your Dedication" and basically it has you shoot yourself in the head in the virtual world to continue. I never took issue or offense to it, but now that one of our customers has basically stated that is was making a joke out of suicide it became an issue. I tried to explain that that section wasn't about suicide or making fun of it.
I asked the developer if there was a way to switch off the content, and they claim that in a few weeks they are going to remove said content.
I really hate to see someone remove content from a game, especially when you as an individual understand what is going on, and not jumping to conclusions. But if it has to be I guess it has to be, since it's one of the most popular games, I really am pained to have to remove it. I will follow up with the developer and hope that they do actually come through with a switch or I guess, removing the content.
Just curious on everyone else's thoughts about this.