We have 13 Vive's, all wireless, running is separate 8x8 play areas; Intel i7 8700k processor; 32GB RAM; 2TB hard drive (no SSD), using about half of it; GTX1080 graphics. I am using the first PCI slot. Started with wireless, so don't know how it compares to the wired experience, although I expect that I am losing some resolution. I am using the Steam suggested super sampling, which last I checked was at about 180%, so not sure if that is making up the resolution difference. If there is some latency, it is not noticed or at least is not bad enough to ruin the wireless experience. Almost all of my users are new users, so they wouldn't generally know if they are losing resolution or a slight increase in latency anyway.
Whenever I get an error with connection or tracking, I check the following:
Ensure that the wireless unit is getting power
Check the connection to the WiGig to make sure it is tight
Ensure that Windows, the graphics card and WiGig drivers are up-to-date
Reset the USBs in SteamVR
Replace the cable. The cable between the link box and the computer works in a pinch.
I have the link box connected to be able to update the base stations via bluetooth, but have them connected into a USB2.0 slot specifically, not a 3.0
I was also having a lot of problems with tracking because of loose wires in the headset. Being wireless I think leaves customers to feel free to take the headset off and on and walk around with it, leading to loose wires often, so I now routinely check the wiring between customers.
Cameras are turned off
Using Direct Mode
Bluetooth turned off, except for when I want to update the base stations (gratis advice from others here)
With all of this, I am able to quickly fix any connection errors.