I think we will see prices fluctuate over time just like the per minute has to find that sweet spot that works best for the majority of us. Looking at our costs right now I don’t think there is a single game that we would benefit from getting any number of floating licences on. As many others have stated the games we were most interested in don’t currently have the option for monthly or yearly. It would be helpful to have some more detailed analytics to make that determination though. For example, Psitol Whip has cost us almost $70 so far this month so we anticipate it being about $140/month in per min licensing. Now if it was always only 1 person at a time playing it, the floating license would save us a lot of $, but home much of the time is there 2 or more people playing it would be handy to know. In a perfect world Springboard would be able to tell us this information so we could make sound decisions with analytics that would tell us what the projected cost would be with 1 or more floating licenses based on concurrent use.