Everyday Baseball failed on 8 of 8 headsets at our arcade. It will seem to start and then crash- from Steam direct and Springboard. Fresh download
Hey Aaron,
Thanks for reporting this. I’ve passed this onto the content team to look into further.
Hey aaronsawyer1 Can you try verifying the integrity of the download for me?
The title works fine for me in Steam. (Testing it now through SBVR as well but it did launch no problems for me in Steam)
It’s also working fine for me in the launcher. Can you let me know if that verifying integrity step I sent you works?
We ran a quick test on our side and it looks like Steam is launching it for us. I’ve created a ticket here: https://springboardvr.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/14636 for us to look into it further and make sure the keys are good. For any issues you’ll typically get faster and better support by going to support@springboardvr.com
Thanks once again and we hope to help you get this resolved.