For a couple months now I've been trying out a 'kidzone' package with kid-friendly games (that require less supervision on my part) at a reduced price. Instead of $20 for 30 minutes, KZ games are $15 for the first kid and $10 to add another. It makes my job easier and while it's cheaper I think it increases return rate plus parents appreciate not having to worry about inappropriate content.
To create a Kidzone, change the age of all the games you want to feature to a low age number, say 5. Make sure all the games you don't want featured are higher. Then when a kid comes in I set their station's age limit to 5, whereby they'll only see the designated Kidzone games. This is how you get kids standing in one place playing Sweet Escape and not swing around playing Superhot.
Good kid games to include: Epic Roller Coaster, Job Simulator, Sweet Escape (big hit), Beast Pets, ABC Paint, Furious Seas, Rec Room etc.