As a VR Operator, we know that you are always looking for creative ways to reduce your monthly expenses and overall costs. But monthly expenses seem to be ever-growing and cutting costs in the wrong places can stunt growth––making you feel trapped, stuck, and defeated.
We believe Operators should be in full control of their monthly expenses and have the ability to reduce costs without sacrificing potential for growth, so we developed an idea and need your help testing it out.
How you can help test a solution to reduce your monthly expenses:
Back in June and July we personally reached out to our everyone to get their input on our plan, and ended up talking to hundreds of you over the past couple months about an optional new launcher environment that will include advertisements. As we mentioned on those calls, our goal with this new environment is to offer a reduced monthly subscription discount for opted-in locations.
Before we start the public beta to all locations across Canada and the United States, we are asking some of you for your participation in a private beta to ensure a successful release.
Private Beta Access Form
One of the most common concerns we heard during our calls with you is that the vast majority of you were very interested, as long as the ads were non-intrusive and the environment was built with quality. Many of you also requested some tweaks to the UI as well. That is the purpose of this private beta. Before we release the public ad supported launcher environment, we want to make sure we met your expectations on quality.
We are going to send the first 25 Operators who complete this form the actual build to test and provide feedback.
Next Steps
Private Beta Testing and Feedback:
We would love your help testing the build and providing feedback. Please fill out
this form to participate.
We will make changes based on the private beta feedback and will reach out with details on the public beta. For more details on the public beta, read below.
To participate in the private beta, please fill out the form linked below. We really appreciate your help!
Private Beta Access Form
Private Beta Details: Starting This Week
Private beta to go live this week to ~25 participants. Click
here to sign-up if you are interested.
The purpose of the private beta is to ensure we met your expectations on quality so that the new environment build is ready for full deployment across Canada and the United States for the public beta.
Public Beta Details: Starting Soon!
This new environment with ads is totally optional. Your participation is greatly appreciated, but not required. That being said, the cost reduction is directly tied to the level of participation. The more of you who join, the higher chance we have of reducing your monthly costs.
The public beta will last 3-6 months. The purpose of the public beta is to test how much we can reduce your monthly costs for those who choose to use the ad supported launcher environment. We need time to work with our ad partner to start to get a sense of consistent advertisement fill rates based on your participation.
If you do choose to opt in the public beta, you will receive a 10% discount on your SpringboardVR monthly subscription costs for the duration of the beta. Once the beta concludes, we will update you on what we learned and share with you what discount we can continue to give you if you choose to continue to participate in an ad supported launcher.
Currently, our ad partner only offers this service in Canada and the United States, but we are working to change that and provide it to everyone! We have informed Non Canada and United States locations that they will receive the new environment, but they will not have ads, or be able to participate in the monthly cost savings.
The beta will last 3-6 months as we test and get consistent data from our partner in how much an ad supported launcher can help reduce costs.
More information to come in the coming weeks!
We're extremely excited about this opportunity, and are looking forward to working with you to make it happen! If you have any questions, please contact us">here.
Talk soon!
Jordan Williams
COO + Co-Founder