You now have the ability to launch multiple stations at one time, into the Launcher or into a specific title. This means smoother check-in flow, easier customer management, and fewer headaches!
This new feature will be helpful for all types of situations. For instance, if a group comes in and everyone wants to play only one multiplayer title on 8 different stations, you can now launch everyone into the same title at the exact same time.
We've received an overwhelming amount of requests for this feature, and believe it will drastically improve the check-in process for you, the Operator, and the end-user who is waiting to be set up to play. I hope you are as excited as I am about this new "batch launch" feature!
How to Batch Launch:
Step 1: Click the "Remote Launch" Button
Step 2: Choose a title to launch, or select the Launcher.
For this demonstration, we will select a title.
Step 3: Select the stations or reservation(s) you'd like to batch launch.
Step 4: Click the "Launch" button to deploy!
Watch the complete demo below:
Have Questions?
Want to know more about Batch Launching? Have some questions? Please respond below and I'd love to help!
You can also read the complete Knowledge Base article here, which covers the differences between timer enabled and disabled stations for Batch Launch, and the blog post here.
Have a profitable day, everyone!
Madison Jackson
Product Lead SpringboardVR