I just got done trying out Nevrosa: Spider Song and it turns out that it's just a prelude to a longer, yet to be released game called Nevrosa: Primal Ritual. I have no clue when that one is set to release, their Steam page has no date listed. It was actually pretty cool with some great atmosphere and I'm dying to get some more horror games available at my arcade, but I just don't think I'll offer this one.
It's just such a tease. Customers will get to the end in ~30 minutes and then ask if they can keep playing and I would feel so bad telling them, "Sorry, the rest isn't out yet." I don't want any of them to feel cheated that they're only getting to play a part of an unfinished game.
No real point to this post I guess other than warning others that it's not a full horror game. Other than the cool atmosphere, there's only one moment of any fear at the very ending of it as well as being the only real puzzle element of the game.