Undead Development is a virtual reality game with a creative building system. Explore different environments and scavenge for supplies, weapons, and ammo. Choose a base to defend and start boarding up any openings with the hammer tool.
Break apart furniture and use the pieces to wall up your new home. The undead horde will soon put your construction skills to the test. See how long you can last with short breaks to rebuild and scavenge again.
The arcade version available through our content distribution system features all of the levels and weapons unlocked and has some changed help text!
Explore maps and choose your base to defend.
Scavenge for supplies from randomized loot.
Break apart furniture and use it to fortify your base.
Use the dynamic nailing system to find creative ways to protect yourself.
Current Content
A progression system with over 70 pieces of loot to unlock and with more than 30 being unique guns and weapons.
4 available maps designed to be replayable and open ended. 3 maps have multiple bases to choose from. All maps use a randomized loot system for scavenging supplies.
Each map has a night mode to unlock that is spookier and more difficult.
A home base with practice range.
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