Yup, it's working now and holy crap it's really cool. I'm so glad that I put the request for it in. The swimming and grabbing system is really cool and the oxygen system keeps it really tense the whole time. I only put in 30 minutes to test it out initially, but I could tell just from those 30 minutes that there's a lot of stuff that our customers will struggle with.
Very early on, there was a padlock I came across and I had to find something to deal with it. I was searching for a while for a key of some sort but eventually I saw on a distant wall that there was an ax. It had a blue shimmer to it which made it clear it was an important gameplay device, but man I could have easily missed that. This is definitely a game that I will need to put a whole lot more time into it to get through it and figure out the ways through the game and how to solve the "puzzles".
I really hope that the future of the CDS will allow for "non tracked playtime" of some sort. I have no clue how long this game takes to beat. I run my arcade solo. I've only just brought in a part-time kid to help out with the summer time on Fridays and Saturdays and then on weekdays I have him come in to play through the popular games so that he can answer customer questions, but the thought of paying the PPM costs of having him play through this game, one that may not be too popular here is a little rough.
For other arcades that have multiple employees, I assume they have them play through the games in order to help customers. So for them to pay for multiple employees to test this game out for themselves, man that's gotta be a bummer. This post sort of grew into this critique of the CDS, so sorry about that.
Long story short, the game is great, at least the beginning, I hope to finish the rest of it and be able to answer customer questions when they inevitably get stuck at many of the parts of the game.