I’m in Canada, I’ll love to test for u
Hey, Bruce here from VRROOM in Australia, we would be keen to be part of the trials, give you some feedback on the Aussie perspective 👍
Wonderful! We'll be sending everything out early next week to get the ball rolling on this.
Thanks everyone and have a great weekend!
100% interested...just let me know how I may help out!
Awesome, thanks everyone! We'll be sending out emails to you all about this today/tomorrow.
Thanks again!
Have the emails gone out? Havent seen anything on this yet.
Hey Eric,
Sorry for the delay. Getting the final builds from the devs then we'll send out the emails :slight_smile:
This could be really cool, we would love to test!
Hey there,
We got the final builds finally and will be sending that out to you all today/tomorrow!
Thanks everyone!
I tried it today so far it is unplayable in one room because all items load outside of the walls making items unreachable. Is anyone else having this issue or is it just me? (I plan to have 3 rooms with this and have customers fill out a what did you think form)
@HunterLaneSBVR we havent received anything yet.
My fault on this one! I did not get you CC'ed on the original email, sorry about that!
I'm in. Proudly Canadian.
Hey everyone,
We've got our testers lined up already but if we need more I'll let you all know.