Remove the required avatar creation bit. Takes too long for them to get into the mini-games. Keep that room in the game so that they can go to it if they want but the starting point should be right at the entrance with the three locations to pick from.
On the beach level, even I can't figure out what the sand castle right side is supposed to be. I've been meaning to YouTube it but I've tried every single block type and it always says my right side design is wrong, same with my customers and they were getting frustrated. The ice blocks have also proved to be difficult for them. Maybe change it up and offer some easier templates.
Some improvements to the backpack system would be great. Kids will try to throw something and reach back over their shoulder to get ready to throw but they might release it a little soon, and that places the item they wanted to throw in their backpack. I know what's happening, but they don't and they get very confused and frustrated. Arcade version should have it forced to pull the backpack off their back to be able place things into it.
Those locations that require 5 memories to access should have the barrier to entry removed or at least reduce it to 1-2 memories so that they can get to those other parts of the game much sooner.
And most importantly, reduce the cost. I even consider the $0.08 of Job Sim to be higher than what I would like and with so many great titles now at $0.06, it's even tougher for me to want to offer games higher than $0.07. In a perfect world, I would love to see JS drop down to $0.06 and VS go to $0.08. But as it is now, I will be dropping Vacation Sim and keep using Summer Funland since it's only $0.07, has just as many varied events to do, and has a great system in place for people to get around to the event they want instantly (by doing the pause menu, clicking the map, and just picking their next event to do from the map).
If they could add more content to Vacation Sim in the future, a theme park world would be perfect. Bumper cars, those little games like the ring toss and shooting the water into the target and other little games, and then of course adding in a roller coaster with some interaction would be great (maybe shooting at targets while on the ride or something like that.