I noticed a few people posting on the various fb groups about Angry Birds now being available via steam for commercial licensing. Is there any word as to whether or not SBVR will be adding Angry Birds to the commercial licensing platform?
@HunterLaneSBVR @willstackable Do you have any idea about that ? The game looks cool and the "Average User" appeal is definitely something we're looking for !
The last we talked to them they said they had no plans to bring to LBE... so I’m surprised that they added to SSL. It may be that it was relatively easy for them to toggle on the SSL option if they were already on Steam.
We will loop back with them!
They are also on private label vr's licensing
This entry is a bit older but having acquired it p/mo via Steam I can report that interest has been limited from customers, particularly kids. When you play the game on a tablet the slingshot and the pig towers are equal visual distance. In VR the towers are farther away which I think makes the destruction less satisfying. I've noticed kids try for a little bit then just see what random things they can shoot the birds at before quitting. Maybe if the camera switched during bird-launch it would be more interesting.
@Nxucik I had the same results, it's less of an instant hit than it might seem at face value. The game just isn't all that fun. It has the same "oh look it's a game name I recognise" as Fruit Ninja, but people either just didn't play it or got bored within a minute or two and switched games. Makes me wonder if FNAF will be the same