We are unable to get into springboard period and the website looks to be down too. None of my stations will launch the lobby and we can’t get to the website to monitor anything. SO the operator.springboard.com is seemingly down.
OVPowerPlay Thank you for reporting, so sorry to hear you are having some issues. We are looking into your account and we will continue communicating via support messages!
DitaSBVR - Where do we find a link to the server status for SpringboardVR - I can’t see the link anywhere but would like to see if this earlier post is a general or isoltaed network issue before my staff are in this morning.
VR-ARRIVAL Here it is https://status.springboardvr.com/ with the arcade that posted above, we isolated this issue to their account specific. However do let us know if you require any assistance support@springboardvr.com Thank you!