Instacalm VR is a relaxation and meditation training package experience designed by our Clinical Psychologist.
Currently it contains our mindfulness meditation and visualisation training App and Our Guided visualisation ‘the Lake house”.
It is designed to use VR to assist in a Rapid relaxation training experience.
Learn mindfulness meditation and breath based meditation – take our 4 step guided Virtual Reality tour. Each module teaches and expands your meditative skills using The VR environment to maximise your experience and learning.
Our balloon module teaches you about mindful body breathing and guides you through a meditative practice.
Our Candle module extends this to mindfulness of the breath.
The other two modules develop and extend these meditative skills and teach you to practice your meditation and visualisation skills.
Once you have mastered the basics you are ready for the lake house and the sky garden our extended relaxation experiences and growth based visualisation.
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