Hey all,
I have tried working with HTC and Steam to figure out this issue and I’m not really getting anywhere. I have one machine that has ONE VIVE Pro handset that constantly unpairs. I have to restart the computer and restart steam to get it paired back. I’m thinking it is a bluetooth issue of some sort but I have quite literally tried everything including:
- Changing out every piece of hardware for a new set, so it doens’t seem to be a wand or the headset or controller box and tracker boxes
- Reformatted and reinstalled the operating system as well as steam and steamVR
It is always the same controller and at this point I’ve been looking around to see if there is any interference from something that might be causing it to drop, but it is a self contained unit (like all our others) with no reflective surfaces. As a last resort I’m going to swap the computer out for another one. At this point that is the only thing I can think of.
Any other suggestions?