Inhale. Exhale. Don’t overthink, just aim, breathe, and throw…
Welcome to the Zen-like magic of vibrant Paper Valley.
Feast your eyes on the beauty of a lost world as you breathe new life into the landscape with an array of enchanted paper airplanes. Learn to guide your aerodynamic fleet with subtle hand movements to overcome occluded targets, cross-winds, and long distance challenges. Eight lusciously designed levels will test your skill and push you to refine and perfect your technique.
Each target you hit generates new life: vegetation sprouts, plants and trees shoot up, and water flows. As you rejuvenate the world into a lush, colorful jungle you will uncover clues about the lost civilization that once thrived here. Lose yourself in Paper Valley and find your inner Zen.
Winner of the Famitsu Media Highlight Award at BitSummit in Kyoto, Japan 2017.
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