I see Superhot is going from .06 to .08 in March. Are they adding new content to justify this increase or is this a “just because we think we can get away with charging more” increase? Because this game is one of our top sellers this is going to be hugely expensive for us, and we may have to drop it as a result. Unless we see either a cheaper monthly floating license or we can finally get the regional pricing this is going to be an extremely hard pill to swallow. Why change the price if it is working well for the devs and the arcades?
Dammit I was planning to add this game back to my library once I move premises in a few months, it was hugely popular and the cost added up to a fair bit at 0.6c already.
Won’t be bringing it back with this price hike now sadly.
Yeah, saw this in the email yesterday. I remember the price point of the arcade version being a specific point for us to use it over the standard version. With Pistol Whip then being cheaper it will be the one that we push far more at the arcade. It sucks cause SUPERHOT is such a fun game (I kickstarted them back when they were wanting to make the original PC release) but with the cost increasing 33% that is indeed a jump in cost. I’ll still offer it at my arcade and list it on my site, but it will be lower on the list with Pistol Whip getting the spotlight now.