Experience a detailed, realistically designed recreation of the renowned Japanese shrine, Fushimi Inari Taisha. Explore the expansive Kyoto mountainside in first person, take photos with the in-game camera, immerse yourself in an atmosphere reminiscent of the real place.
With photos and memories from a few years ago, I set out to achieve a detailed, realistically designed recreation of the renowned Japanese shrine, Fushimi Inari Taisha. I feel like the real place has a very culturally unique significance, I personally had a great time exploring it a few years ago.
The map is very extensive to explore with shrine gates laid out over the entire mountainside. I’ve tried to include a lot of variance in different parts of the mountain, with lots of points of interest to discover and many branching/intertwining paths to encourage you to make choices with your exploration. Take photos with the in-game camera, customize the soundtrack, walk around at your own pace. There is a checklist of locations to find as well as some hidden areas, and also a small ending.
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