Fair warning: MOBILE IS DANGEROUS - be careful where you market it, a business savvy owner will see you marketing your product see you rolling with people interested in it, see the $$$ and take the idea and roll with it and run you right out of business because they will already have the clients and the money to do what you’re doing.
VR is still very new, just offer a free demo to everyone who comes in.
when people are watching their kids play, offer a free demo to the parents.
give free demos to everyone who comes in. Even people who say “no” are just scared. Don’t thrill those ones with richie’s plank, amaze them with a mellow game like the blu.
the proper term is “the 2D TV doesn’t do this justice, when you’re in the headset you see 3D. It’s not something someone can be told about, you have to be shown.” You are literally Morpheus. Don’t let them leave without putting a headset on them and you will get resell.
if you get 2 people in the door ALWAYS up sell 2 stations. “VR is best experienced WITH someone”. It’s one thing to watch from the couch, offer the second player half off. GET THEM IN A HEADSET NO MATTER WHAT. They will come back.
once they’re in the door they’re a captive audience so make sure they experience it and make sure it’s on their level. Have a mellow zen game for new players young kids and older adults, have a thrill game like richies plank for teens and young adults, and have something in the middle for people who want something interesting but not too thrilling and not too zen. I’m still looking for a good mid level game so if you find one let me know.